Who do you fancy? Page 1,079

Ooh, we're doing boys again! How exciting! I've fancied this guy for about a decade:

Quote: Jennie @ 9th January 2014, 10:18 PM GMT

He's certainly scrubbed up. I've just spent 2 minutes looking at photos thinking "not sure the fake tan does much for him" only to realise that I was looking at Ricky Martin photos by mistake :$

Laughing out loud

Me tooooooo!

He used to occasionally turn up on telly in the middle of the night doing stand up about his cat.

Quote: Jennie @ 9th January 2014, 10:18 PM GMT

He's certainly scrubbed up. I've just spent 2 minutes looking at photos thinking "not sure the fake tan does much for him" only to realise that I was looking at Ricky Martin photos by mistake :$


Quote: Jennie @ 9th January 2014, 10:12 PM GMT

I was once told, whilst in Kenya, that I looked "like a big, strong woman who could pull a plough in the field and keep a man full up at home". I was a size 12, max.

We are now happily married.

One traditional test for a prospective wife is to see if she can raise the lid of this chest in St. Oswald's Church in Lower Peover.


It's blotting out the sky! I'm scared! :O

EDIT: I think zooo just charged in and saved the day with her wicked photo sizing skillz. Phew.

Quote: William Purry @ 9th January 2014, 10:21 PM GMT

One traditional test for a prospective wife is to see if she can raise the lid of this chest in St. Oswald's Church in Lower Peover.


From the inside by the looks of it.

Quote: zooo @ 9th January 2014, 10:21 PM GMT

Me tooooooo!

He used to occasionally turn up on telly in the middle of the night doing stand up about his cat.


I watch him religiously and I'm getting alarmed at his rate of aging every time he shows a clip from a couple of years ago (though he still looks gorgeous) I think he might crumble into dust if he doesn't stop soon!


I can't see your photo, Harridan. :(

I can definitely see yours, William!

Not sure if I could lift the lid of the chest - my wifely skills are more plough based.

Quote: Jennie @ 9th January 2014, 10:24 PM GMT

I can't see your photo, Harridan. :(

Twas Jon Stewart from th'Americas

Quote: Jennie @ 9th January 2014, 10:24 PM GMT

I can't see your photo, Harridan. :(
- my wifely skills are more plough based.



And how can it ever be a mistake to gaze at Rickey Martin?



So Zooo who's going to take your maidenhood?

Quote: zooo @ 9th January 2014, 10:03 PM GMT

I think Boris should do it.

If you say you'll vote for him, he probably will

Quote: zooo @ 9th January 2014, 10:29 PM GMT


Aw! He looks so baby-faced! I prefer him now - he wears fewer leather jackets.

Quote: sootyj @ 9th January 2014, 10:30 PM GMT

If you say you'll vote for him, he probably will

He is such a slapper.

Quote: Harridan @ 9th January 2014, 10:30 PM GMT

Aw! He looks so baby-faced! I prefer him now - he wears fewer leather jackets.

I just saw a pic of him in high school, he looked like Jerry Seinfeld. Definitely grew into himself!

He is a good looking man. I think it's the combo of politically aware and funny and hot that does it.

He reminds me a little bit of Rob Morrow.
Because they are both kind of New Yorky and Jewish, and cute. Basically.
