What are you reading right now? Page 120

Re-reading Dorian Gray for my Fin de Siecle module. They are so much gayer than I realised at 15.

Im reading 3 books at the mo ... Stephen Fry - Fry Chronicles, Jo Brand - Can't Stand Up For Sitting Down & Spike Milligan: The Biography by Humphrey Carpenter.

I have got a little confused after Ive been reading all 3 heavily as they tend to become blurred & blend into one another a bit :S

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ February 14 2011, 7:59 PM GMT

Re-reading Dorian Gray for my Fin de Siecle module. They are so much gayer than I realised at 15.

What other books are in that "module"?

Oooh, well. Jekyll and Hyde, Carmilla, Sherlock Holmes stories, Diary of a Nobody, Jude the Obscure, decadent poetry and short stories, Turn of the Screw...

Good stuff, except for Turn of the Screw (so boring!) - and I never read Carmilla. Shame no Twain or Zola.

Quote: chipolata @ February 10 2011, 9:33 PM GMT

Finally reading Stephen King's Just After Sunset.

I quite liked that especially the first story,

Quote: sootyj @ February 16 2011, 11:59 AM GMT

I quite liked that especially the first story,

Yes, solid King. Although no stories yet as good as the one where the chap eats himself on an island from Skeleton Crew. Or the one where I guy is about to be tortured to death and escapes - another fave King story from a previous collection.

Oh well the last one is meant to be the doozy

Nearly finished World War Z (I mainly read on trains, which is why it's taking so long). It's SO interesting. So far it's made me laugh, made me cry, and made me feel overcome with a feeling of karmic satisfaction. Not what I'd expect from a mock-nonfic report about Zombie wars. So much more than that.

Quote: Griff @ February 17 2011, 11:32 AM GMT

I've gone for Something Happened by Joseph Heller. I loved Catch-22 (although I was only 17 when I read it so probably didn't understand half of it).

Something Happened is a great book, very darkly funny, but sometimes a difficult read. Good As Gold is a more accessible and funny Heller alternative - and a great satire on US politics.

Quote: Tim Walker @ February 17 2011, 11:56 AM GMT

Something Happened is a great book, very darkly funny, but sometimes a difficult read.

I get the willies when I see that book.

Quote: Griff @ February 17 2011, 12:04 PM GMT

It's got a recommendation from Greasy Lawson off Front Row on the cover, which is usually enough to persuade me. That nasal whine of his belies a sharp mind.

I like Lawson. If only because he wound that tit Russel Crowe up with his, "I thought I heard hints of Irish in your Robin Hood accent?" question.

I've started on Ham on Rye by Bukowski. I can't help but laugh out loud at his drunk, pissed off characters.

Finished World War Z, so I think I will move onto the Zombie Survival Guide. Or the Necronomicon.


Some really good Zombie malarkey by top horror bods.

The Stephen King one is aces and a sort of sequel to Dolores Claborne