Merry Clitoris Happy New Rear Page 3

There is a report button on this and every thread Jerf so you can notify the moderators if anyones posts go too far and upsets you. I think they then make a judgement on how mean the comments are and act accordingly. The button is to the left of the quote button.

I would advocate just turning the other cheek,however, all art is self exposure after all - and if it is a chilly wind of criticism that blows you should just try and gird your loins and harden your resolve and enjoy yourself.

I've just reported you for saying 'loins'.

Damn. Thats another New Year resolution blown!

Quote: Marc P @ 10th January 2015, 10:23 AM GMT

gird your loins and harden

Please, just when we were getting back on track.


Yes I did. Hippodrome Heights.
Set in an old folks charity home for ex shop-biz people.
All second 'billers' who loved their work, shared their memories but never made enough money to fund their retirement.
Wrote some opening scenes, The clown rolling out of the coffin at 'his funeral'
Then invited BCG members to write scenes that could be included in such a sitcom.
Many did, but the whole idea was slowly strangled by BCG resident 'experts'
New to BCG and enthusiastic, entered the Lions den quite unprepared for the level of vilification.

You'd have been f**ked in the real world then Jerf! :)

Its cruel out there, the truth is no one gives a stuff about you just your product.

And nobody can do anything about that but yourself. Grasp that concept and you have taken the first step young padawan ! ;)

At the end of the day make something you are proud of. If not what's the point?

Quote: Jerf Roberwitz @ 10th January 2015, 11:44 AM GMT

entered the Loins den quite unprepared

You should have hardened first, Marc reckons.

True. There is a huge amount of stiff competition out there that you have to go up against.

Quote: Jerf Roberwitz @ 9th January 2015, 9:11 PM GMT

If you are serious about comedy, post something, which you haven't done yet.

Why would his ability to write comedy affect his appreciation of comedy?

If all comedy was judged by this yardstick then the powers that be wouldn't be concerned about ratings.

I'm a beginner trying to be funny and failing badly. I need help.
Have you got the ability Ben? Come on, post something funny, make me laugh, show me how it's done.

Or shut the f**k up scumbag.

Sorry to use such bad language but MarkP says I've got to toughen up
and gird my loins, not quite sure how to do that. I hope it's not another euphemism.

Your original post is just not funny.

I haven't actually seen anything you have written on the BCG show an ounce of comedic talet.

I suspect you are unfunny.

But good luck with it :|

Quote: Jerf Roberwitz @ 10th January 2015, 8:45 PM GMT

I'm a beginner trying to be funny and failing badly. I need help.
Have you got the ability Ben? Come on, post something funny, make me laugh, show me how it's done.

Or shut the f**k up scumbag.

Sorry to use such bad language but MarkP says I've got to toughen up
and gird my loins, not quite sure how to do that. I hope it's not another euphemism.

To be fair Jerf well done on the toughening up but fair turn and turn about. In the same spirit as you ask perhaps you could point them in the direction of some of your critiques to show the kind of constructive feedback you would like. I know myself I can be a bit negative sometimes but I guess that is just jealousy on my part or more likely just laziness.

Euphemism can be a great tool!

There's a point at which it's really difficult to be constructive jerf. Its not ok to be unnecessarily unkind, but if something's so far removed from your own sense of humour it's difficult to comment.

I would like to think I give useful feedback wherever I can (whether it is useful or not is another matter!) my opinion for what it's worth on your stuff, is that it's difficult to see which direction you're heading. Who is it you're a fan of/you're influenced by? This might help people give you pointers.

Ditto Willcam.