What are you watching on TV? Page 305

Well, that is his real name!

Family Guy

Quatermass Experiment.

I watched the first half of 'Sicko' today, the latest Michael Moore documentary. One of the stories in it actually made me cry. I was too depressed to watch the second half of it! I put on cartoons instead. Meep meep.

You big woman.

Katy Brand - Got to be better than the coin game...hasn't it?

It wasn't.

Keep accidentally watching the Big Dawg go ka-razy on Pimp My Ride UK

I'll be watching John Stewart in about 15 minutes. He's broadcasting from the Republican convention this week. Should be good. Meep Meep

Watched the last two Outnumbereds again.
I love this, it makes me really broody - and I fancy the woman.
Hugh Dennis is ace in it too.

Haha! It's made loads of us broody now.
Bloody show.

Quote: zooo @ September 3 2008, 7:39 PM BST

Bloody good show.

Just watched tomorrow's Hollyoaks.

Again - OH. MY. GOSH.

I'm so easily influenced by TV. Outnumbered makes me want to live that kind of life. Watching Spin City earlier, or indeed when I watch Becker, it makes me think that living in New York would be fun, then I realise it's in America and switch to just somewhere nice and metropolitan. And when I went past Five earlier and caught a bit of Home And Away I wanted to look like the guy on screen. >_<

Esther Rantzen's hair. Nuff said.

Dan Clark's How Not To Live Your Life on iPlayer