What are you watching on TV? Page 1,386

Quote: Nat Wicks @ February 17 2011, 9:17 PM GMT


They've ruined the show a bit by changing it, it was good the way it was.

Reggae at the BBC on BBC Four, then Graham Norton maybe.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ February 18 2011, 8:59 AM GMT

They've ruined the show a bit by changing it, it was good the way it was.

They've just stuck an interview bit on the beginning. I didn't mind it.

Does Loyd Grossman still host it?

Old Simpsons reruns...praying that the kids have forgotten that we have an episode of Wipeout on the DVR...

Ooh, The Ruins is on now. That film Chip just watched and Nat said sounded shit.

Quote: zooo @ February 18 2011, 11:20 PM GMT

Ooh, The Ruins is on now. That film Chip just watched and Nat said sounded shit. :)

Stick with it, it's very watchable. Written by the same guy who wrote the excellent A Simple Plan (about those friends who find millions of dollars in a forest and end up killing each other over it).

Oh, I do like that one. Nice and snowy.

Why does this girl with the glasses from Donnie Darko want to get everyone killed?
Most annoying.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ February 18 2011, 10:33 PM GMT

They've just stuck an interview bit on the beginning. I didn't mind it.

Yeah, that bits shit.

I rewatched 'Sherlock: A Study in Pink' earlier and can't wait for the new episodes.

This film is flipping gross.

Sick Sick Sick
I blame you for this, chip.

Quote: zooo @ February 19 2011, 12:18 AM GMT

This film is flipping gross. Sick Sick Sick I blame you for this, chip.


Yeah, a horror film about leaves!
I wasn't expecting all that much grossness, to be honest. :)

:) Sculpture with the sexy Henry Moore beautiful stuff, all womens curves and indentures, he was a real 'goer' apparenteley!.
The lovely Lauren Bacall adored him!.