Age limit? Page 2

Isn't the theory meant to be that someone has to put in 10,000 hours of practice before they can be 'an expert'? So to be to a competitively professional writing level you need a good few years of life and refining your ideas and style and other aspects

Quote: Marc P @ February 9 2012, 3:47 PM GMT

How old are you DD?

Younger than some round here. ;)

Yes age does matter. I am 71 and have written several sitcoms. The last one was for the Sitcom comp and I was told my humour is stuck in the 70s; maybe but it's still funny as in Mrs Brown's Boys, but, whatever

:O Well' Mrs Browns boys' is very popular, not at all my kind of humour but successful!

You should release the script!

Instructive true story for those worried about age:

When I was about 9 I loved Norman Hunter's Professor Branestawm books, and just about all his other books as well. He came to the school, I met him, I reviewed his new releases and, in short, he was my literary/ comedy hero bar none.

The other day I was pootling around on Wikipedia and found that he published two Branestawm books in his 30's (a bit raw and unpolished those ones) and then didn't publish another word till he was in his 70's.

I had no idea 'cos at that age everyone over about 50 is just in a single category of 'old', but kids are a pretty hard audience to bamboozle. They just like what they read or they don't.