New BBC sitcom Pearly Gates

David Jason is directing a new pilot sitcom of the old 'family viewing' gender.
I think the BBC are getting it right - when you think that people are living longer and longer, hence making up a much more significant percentage of viewers.

Don't know if this has been flagged up before

Apologies if it has

I'm not sure if it's been discussed, but we reported it on Wednesday:

I think it sounds quite promising indeed. I'd like to see it.

I started work on a sitcom about funeral directors called W. Anker and Son's but was warned against a comedy about death by a BBC script editor! So p*issed off!

Pearly Gates looks like it might be a laugh though.

I'm sure many years ago there was a sitcom in a funeral parlour- Dead Funny?

There have been a number, including Fun At The Funeral Parlour and In Loving Memory.

Quote: Aaron @ February 4 2012, 4:10 AM GMT

I think it sounds quite promising indeed.

I wish I had a pound for every time you said that and the show turns out to be an absolute stinker.

I wish that more shows turned out to be as good in the can as their initial PR does on paper. :(