Don't nobody stay up? Page 3

Quote: Kenneth @ August 11 2011, 3:06 PM BST

If you must kill spiders, a quick swat or squash is more humane than spraying the poor bastards. I was bitten by a redback (Australian version of a black widow) earlier this year and it caused the top of my right hand to swell up massively, about double size. Got me wondering whether redback spider bites could be sold as a Viagra alternative.

I thought the black widow was the australian version of the black widow :O Tere is something worse? I suppose there is always somethign worse when it comes to animals in Austrailia.

As for killing spiders (and a wasp today) I have taken up using fire, it is very quick and practically desposes of any webs and babys aswell in a flash, just watch carpetes and curtains mabye use deoderant if it is a scary spider.

All quiet on spider front, big moth annoying me as I type, thought the moggy wuld be up for it , but no, just glances and back to sleep!

I Don't.

I need to go to bed.

:D What happened to TNRP? Died already?

Say what?

Sorry chimp The late night RUDE thread ok!, you've been asleep and missed it.

Give me a banana.

;) Where...>

:P :S Where are you? lonely tonight, well settle down with last glass or vegetable,

Hey then, how is life treating you?

OH my God fixing tiolets, then out for a glass, then cooking food and entertaining son who wants to watch ' Lemmy The Movie', now knackered, its a hard life being a mum. Huh?

Late night random rude thread.

You have my sympathys, I'm sure your son will be grateful one day, and mabye even look after you, mabye it will all be worth it :P

Quote: Jamey @ August 16 2011, 6:24 AM BST

I'm sure your son will be grateful one day,

You obviously don't have children, if you think they are capable of gratitude.

I am a child, sorta, I am gratful, I just don't say I am.I will though.