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Quote: Dolly Dagger @ October 29 2009, 2:59 PM BST

What continues?

The digging at How.

Quote: Aaron @ October 29 2009, 3:31 PM BST

The digging at How.

Ah. Maybe he'll return. Hopefully he's still around somewhere.

Quote: EllieJP @ October 29 2009, 2:46 PM BST

but rather was a chav with the typical crap education that most children get nowadays... i.e. an inability to write. If I'd believed for one minute he didn't know what he was doing I would be a little bit more sympathetic but the amount of PMs I recieved shows otherwise.

Jake How deserves to be banned.



Quote: Curt @ October 29 2009, 3:41 PM BST


Ooooh, meoooow! :P

Quote: Leevil @ October 29 2009, 2:52 PM BST

Keyser Soze?

The three faces of Jake How, although I forget the third one.

Huh? I completely missed this for some reason.

I couldn't resist. Pleased
I'm sure Ellie knows I'm kidding, she's probabllie a supperieor spellar thene mi.

I'm a crap speller - but when I rant I really can't spell!

I don't think having some mental health issues, and annoying people on purpose are mutually exclusive. I think he did both.
You can't let someone off everything just because they may have had aspergers or something. But you can and should give them some leeway.

I did feel sorry for him as quite often he was picked on (me included sometimes) but you CANNOT comprehend what it was like when he was at his height unless you were there. :) I promise Dolly, you would have been inspired to make a few digs yourself.

I always thought he was a spoof. It seemed too ridiculous...

I don't think Frostyboy was serious either. I think he just got a thrill out of winding people up on here.

I definitely don't think he was a fake.

Would be interesting to be proved wrong though!

Quote: zooo @ October 29 2009, 6:56 PM BST

Would be interesting to be proved wrong though!

Get to work on proving that then, zooo. I'll be here waiting when you come back.

*settles down for the night*

I'm er, washing my hair...

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ October 20 2009, 2:24 PM BST

Good idea. It's becoming more common, but most people don't think there's an alternative to the religious ceremonies.

How about a bonfire? After all if you don't believe in an afterlife what point is there?

Quote: zooo @ October 29 2009, 6:57 PM BST

I'm er, washing my hair...

Pics plz.
