What are you listening to now? Page 770

Quote: Chappers @ April 9 2010, 7:33 PM BST

It has only really dated in places such as empty London streets. Whereas Randall and Hopkirk were given a more humourous angle, I don't think the feel of this can replicated or improved upon.

And as they pointed out in the interview, at the time it was quite original and different. But now it's influence can be seen in stuff like Lost etc.

That said, the original had the most barking mad last episode ever. And wasn't it so badly recieved that Patrick McGoohan buggered off to America for the rest of his life?

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 9 2010, 7:34 PM BST

Am shocked. :P

It might have worked. Perhaps they should have got RTD to reimagine it.

Quote: Alan Cornforth @ April 9 2010, 7:36 PM BST

Ah but the film/tv and music industry is bankrupt of ideas so they have no option but to look back at a time when ideas were fresh and so nothing is off limits to them = sad but true

Hey! Don't knock the music industry, it is certainly not bankrupt creatively! I have no idea about the other two.

Quote: PhQnix @ April 9 2010, 7:58 PM BST

Hey! Don't knock the music industry, it is certainly not bankrupt creatively! I have no idea about the other two.

Ok, I mispoke on the music industry - not bankrupt of creativity .. just originality ;-)

No! Not that either! It'll take about two minutes to point you in the direction of half a dozen people making music that couldn't have existed at any other point in time and is as original as music can possibly be!

Quote: PhQnix @ April 9 2010, 8:06 PM BST

No! Not that either! It'll take about two minutes to point you in the direction of half a dozen people making music that couldn't have existed at any other point in time and is as original as music can possibly be!

Hit me

Quote: Alan Cornforth @ April 9 2010, 8:00 PM BST

Ok, I mispoke on the music industry - not bankrupt of creativity .. just originality ;-)

I guess you're meaning the stuff that passes as pop music through the likes of Cowell, that Irish midget and boy and girl "bands" - and I use the term loosely.

Quote: Alan Cornforth @ April 9 2010, 8:06 PM BST

Hit me

You probably won't have heard of them.

Quote: Chappers @ April 9 2010, 8:08 PM BST

I guess you're meaning the stuff that passes as pop music through the likes of Cowell, that Irish midget and boy and girl "bands" - and I use the term loosely.

You probably won't have heard of them.

Cheeky buggah, my ears still work - there are only so many chord progressions and finding an original sound is so difficult when history has given us so many superb bands already.

Air France - Swedish balearic pop music.

Asobi Seksu - Half Japanese half American pop-shoegaze sound.

Animal Collective - Animal Collective-type sound.

The Books Couple of guys who mix acoustic guitar and samples.

Dirty Projectors.

And so on and so on.

I wondered which you'd pick.

One Day Like This

Quote: PhQnix @ April 9 2010, 8:15 PM BST

Animal Collective - Animal Collective-type sound.

Also - <3 that description.

Quote: PhQnix @ April 9 2010, 8:15 PM BST

Air France - Swedish balearic pop music.

Asobi Seksu - Half Japanese half American pop-shoegaze sound.

Animal Collective - Animal Collective-type sound.

The Books Couple of guys who mix acoustic guitar and samples.

Dirty Projectors.

And so on and so on.

Nothing original there to my ears - the heavily reverbed female indy sound was perfected by The Sundays, etc in the 80's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlTd2kovk2w&feature=related

Nothing like being spurned by a fit young black woman to get one in a bluesy mood. Must do it more often, this is about the third I think.

Nothing original there!? Did you actually listen to it all, or are you just being stubborn? All bands have influences, but that doesn't stop them being original. Those bands ceeeertainly are!

*goes off in a mini-huff*

Quote: chipolata @ April 9 2010, 7:41 PM BST

Perhaps they should have got RTD to reimagine it.
