Writing Slang and Dialects Page 2

What - you mean Eastenders actors can actually act???????

Well . . . No, but they trust them enough to add the occasional 'Look 'ere' or 'Dahnt ya knaaa'

I caught my first episode of Eastenders a couple of night ago and it seemed to consist purely of this...

"I'll tell her!"

"You wouldn't bloody dare you slllaaagggg!!"

"I would, you just watch me!"

"Don't do it babes!"

"I bloody will!!"

Etc etc for about half an hour.

Twas most enlightening.

You missed out "Leeeeave it! It's not wooooooorrrrf it!"

I must have been making coffee at that point.

Quote: swerytd @ May 29, 2007, 9:41 AM

So, are you 'Welsh' or 'From Wales'?

Yep, Dan. 100% of the sub-species Homo (as in the latin sense all you punsters) Troglodytes Canyonensis (Cave-dwelling valley man)