doctor who DVD set Page 2

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ July 6 2010, 11:42 AM BST

I use the full title
Doctor Who doesn't practice medicine.

Laughing out loud

The root message is some sort of weird spam isn't it?

Someone has just replaced a word {Supernatural?} by the phrase "Doctor Who DVD".

Very peculiar.

:S :S Eh?

Quote: billwill @ July 6 2010, 2:14 PM BST

Very peculiar.

Which reminds me, Graham Crowden of A Very Peculiar Practice was one of the first choices for the fourth Doctor but he declined because he didn't want the commitment of such a long role. He did end up appearing in The Horns of Nimon. Now still going strong at the age of 87 he would have made an interesting eleventh Doctor.

I thought it was a real show... :(

I mean, called 'Dr Who DVD'...

Quote: Kenneth @ July 6 2010, 2:26 PM BST

at the age of 87 he would have made an interesting eleventh Doctor.

Yes, interesting would be one word.

Are Drs who work for the world health organisation all Dr Whos?

I suppose a complete guide would be Dr Who's Who's Who.

Clearly, anybody who never saw Hartnell, Troughton, Pertwee & Baker first time around cannot consider themselves real Who fans! ;)

Quote: Frankie Rage @ July 6 2010, 10:27 PM BST

Clearly, anybody who never saw Hartnell, Troughton, Pertwee & Baker first time around cannot consider themselves real Who fans! ;)

There is no chance that Stott will respond to such blazing red rags.


Of course, I wouldn't dare post that in't Dr Who... thread due to the high anality levels present!
