Things you like, but know you shouldn't really... Page 10

Quote: Tim Walker @ November 7 2009, 10:57 PM GMT

'Captain Beefheart', perchance?

So now we know what you name your willy!

Quote: Moonstone @ November 7 2009, 10:53 PM GMT

Well I don't get at all why you don't get why people don't get why you don't fancy him.
Don't you know any women who lots of men fancy but you can't understand why?

Oh my apologies. No, Jeff certainly wouldn't be a pretty name for a girl :D
Welcome to the board btw - we have quite a few Americans here now.

No apology needed. You had no way of knowing :)

I will try to be the least obnoxious American you've ever met. Try.

Also, David Tennant does have "it" there's loads of charisma in him and as a man who fancy's men, that man is a man among men....yeah.

Quote: Tim Walker @ November 7 2009, 10:57 PM GMT

'Captain Beefheart', perchance?

LOL...I made the mistake of taking a drink of my water when I read that. Spit take I must dry my laptop

Quote: Moonstone @ November 7 2009, 10:53 PM GMT

Don't you know any women who lots of men fancy but you can't understand why?

No, none!

*cough*Megan Fox*cough*

Quote: jmorton @ November 7 2009, 11:01 PM GMT

No apology needed. You had no way of knowing :)

I will try to be the least obnoxious American you've ever met. Try.

Haha! Well, you certainly haven't shown the slightest sign of that yet so I'm sure we're safe :)

Also, David Tennant does have "it" there's loads of charisma in him and as a man who fancy's men, that man is a man among men....yeah.

:O Now it's something with girls AND boys I'm doubly baffled! Ah well, it'll just have to remain a mystery!

Quote: zooo @ November 7 2009, 11:02 PM GMT

No, none!

*cough*Megan Fox*cough*

Laughing out loud

Tim, what can you recommend for a Megan Fox cough?

Don't even know who she is *to Google...*


I'm afraid I'm just NOT with you, zooo

Quote: zooo @ November 7 2009, 11:02 PM GMT

No, none!

*cough*Megan Fox*cough*

That's simple she looks like a tramp, like she'd be a bad bitch in bed.

She looks dirty, and not in the good way. She looks like she smells and has about 20 tattoos. Yuck.

Quote: zooo @ November 7 2009, 11:28 PM GMT

She looks like she smells

:) *looks for Megan Fox avatar to sniff*


Sniff away!

She always looks like the bitchiest girl on the council estate who wears too much makeup and beats her mother up, to me.

Not my type. Besides I don't sniff pictures, only avatars. I'm not a deviant. Unimpressed

I don't find her attractive either. Her skin looks terrible in that picture as well. Is it true that make-up can make spots worse? Blocking the pores an' all that.

So they say.
Can't be easy being covered in the stuff every day as an actor I suppose.

Quote: zooo @ November 7 2009, 11:49 PM GMT

Can't be easy being covered in the stuff every day as an actor I suppose.

There are special hypo-allergenic stage make-ups available. And theatrical base is fairly mild anyway, darling. :)

Quote: Tim Walker @ November 7 2009, 11:37 PM GMT

Not my type. Besides I don't sniff pictures, only avatars. I'm not a deviant. Unimpressed

I feel like Chip now.


It just seems like one of those old wivesy talesy kind of things. Like eating chocolate gives you spots.

Julia will love it.