I've just seen... Page 318

Have to see this, it looks great (in a shit way).



I hope at one point he removes that blanket to reveal stockings and heels and does the cancan. Must dig out my copy of RHPS.

Seek out the trailer, it's awful.

It looks like it had a budget of about £500 and was shot in Barry Bostwick's garden.

:D It has a couple of 'well known' actors in it though.

Yeah, I feel bad for them...

Quote: Nil Putters @ November 18 2012, 11:29 AM GMT

it looks great (in a shit way)

I think that sums it up pretty well.

I'm watching Horrid Henry. I'm sort of enjoying it.

I watch that sometimes!

Quote: zooo @ November 18 2012, 12:41 PM GMT

I watch that sometimes!

I'm watching the movie. It's not on TV, I rented it. I'm not currently in charge of any small children, I just like some of the adult actors in it.

Ah yes, I forgot there was a proper film. I like the cartoon!

Quote: zooo @ November 18 2012, 12:47 PM GMT

Ah yes, I forgot there was a proper film. I like the cartoon!

Not sure if it's ever aired on TV here. By which I mean I haven't seen it when I've "accidently" come across In The Night Garden" in recent years.


I've just finished watching the first season of Breaking Bad. What a most excellent show and I wee myself with pleasure having 4 more seasons to watch at my leisure.
