The worst book in the world Page 4

Quote: Kenneth @ August 30 2009, 10:47 AM BST

The Da Vinci Code was just plain annoying - it was little more than a Three Investigators type solve-the-mystery book dressed up with some religious thrills.

Angels and Demons were much better, IMHO - and I'm not just saying that because I translated that particular one. Da Vinci Code was a typical thriller. Angels and Demons seemed like a detective story, with all that riddle solving. I'm looking forward to see the movie. When the DVD comes out.

I cannot contribute in this threat really, since I never finish the books I hate or which bore me. Life's too short for that, and there's a long line (or rather 2-3 shelves) with books waiting to be, possibly, enjoyed.

The Rainbow by DH Lawrence. A terrible, terrible novel.

Quote: Tim Walker @ August 31 2009, 2:59 PM BST

The Rainbow by DH Lawrence. A terrible, terrible novel.

Did it have Rod Jane and Freddy?

No. :(

Quote: WrongTale @ August 31 2009, 2:33 PM BST

Angels and Demons were much better...

Did you see in the news this week that a French spy, who was held captive for nearly two months in Somalia by Islamic extremists, had only one book to read: Deception Point by Dan Brown. "I read it eight times," he said. "I hate that book now."

Quote: Kenneth @ September 1 2009, 6:35 AM BST

Did you see in the news this week that a French spy, who was held captive for nearly two months in Somalia by Islamic extremists, had only one book to read: Deception Point by Dan Brown. "I read it eight times," he said. "I hate that book now."

LOL! No, I did not know that :) Incidentally, I translated Deception Point as well :) It is an OK thriller, if you're into that kind of thing.

But it is hard to imagine a book you had to read 8 times in a short while and NOT hate it afterwards, especially when it is associated with the plight you were in when reading it.
It's like Desert Island disks... even the best album will get on your nerves eventually, if it is the only one you can listen to.

Quote: Kenneth @ September 1 2009, 6:35 AM BST

Did you see in the news this week that a French spy, who was held captive for nearly two months in Somalia by Islamic extremists, had only one book to read: Deception Point by Dan Brown. "I read it eight times," he said. "I hate that book now."

Now that truly is torture.

Quote: sootyj @ September 1 2009, 7:58 AM BST

Now that truly is torture.

...yes, much more than Metallica and Led Zeppelin from loudspeakers :D

In Major Major by Terry Major-Ball, the former PM's older brother shares experiences in the exciting world of gnome making. The tortured prose of his remarkably uninteresting life is hilarious and you suspect the whole book was just some elaborate spoof penned by Peter Cook.

Quote: Rob H @ August 31 2009, 1:16 AM BST

Just because it's de rigeuer doesn;t make it French


Quote: sootyj @ August 31 2009, 2:19 PM BST

I suspect Aaron would love that.

Though he might preffer "All the Frogs are sad and are going to die."

Laughing out loud

Anything by Virginia Woolf. Stream of consciousness can be fun, but ten minutes reading her and you're thinking of loading your pockets with rockls and wading into the nearest river.