What should Ian call his cat? Page 5

No, Nil. Although I had you in mind, as always.

'that one from Aaron's website who looks a bit angry and beardy'

Call her Joan.

Or Margery.

Or Pam!!!

Quote: Nil Putters @ November 13 2008, 11:09 PM GMT

I thought you were talking about me for a moment. ;)

You do realise you're turning into Chapman one day at a time, don't you?! ;)

Quote: zooo @ November 13 2008, 11:12 PM GMT

Call her Joan.

Or Margery.

Or Pam!!!

LOL! Vera, that's another good 'un.

Or 'Challenjanneker'

now that I've thought of that, something *has* to be called it.

...I'm going to bed before this develops into a dangerous addiction.

Quote: ian_w @ November 13 2008, 11:14 PM GMT

LOL! Vera, that's another good 'un.

That's the ticket.

Carrie Hun?

Sherry Anne June?

Kitten Nativedad?

Quote: wonderboy85 @ November 13 2008, 11:11 PM GMT

No, Nil. Although I had you in mind, as always.

'that one from Aaron's website who looks a bit angry and beardy'

Laughing out loud

Quote: wonderboy85 @ November 13 2008, 11:16 PM GMT

Or 'Challenjanneker'

now that I've thought of that, something *has* to be called it.

...I'm going to bed before this develops into a dangerous addiction.

Oh God. That took me a moment.

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Love it.

Please Ian, go with this one, please! :D

:O Not Baumski?

Quote: Aaron @ November 13 2008, 11:23 PM GMT

Laughing out loud

Oh God. That took me a moment.

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Love it.

Please Ian, go with this one, please! :D

Ha ha! Why is it I can't picture Anneka Rice's face any more, I just get an arse in a shell suit being followed by a knackered cameraman!

Quote: wonderboy85 @ November 13 2008, 11:11 PM GMT

'that one from Aaron's website who looks a bit angry and beardy'

Is that me? Teary

Quote: JuliaC @ November 13 2008, 11:12 PM GMT

You do realise you're turning into Chapman one day at a time, don't you?! ;)


Quote: ian_w @ November 13 2008, 11:26 PM GMT

Ha ha! Why is it I can't picture Anneka Rice's face any more, I just get an arse in a shell suit being followed by a knackered cameraman!

Because whilst Nil is turning into Chapman, you're turning into Nil! :O

And just to complete the circle, I believe the cameraman's name is Dave.

Quote: Aaron @ November 13 2008, 11:35 PM GMT

Because whilst Nil is turning into Chapman, you're turning into Nil! :O

And just to complete the circle, I believe the cameraman's name is Dave.

AKA happy Dave :P

Is that anything like a 'happy finish'?

My mum had a cat that was simply called 'cat', because she had never got round to naming it. I have never been that keen on Tim as a moniker, but I suppose I should be thankful...

Ha ha I would imagine so! But I daren't say anything else cos of the Googate scandal which displeased the Great One.
I sincerely hope that at least someone realises this does make sense!

Quote: Timbo @ November 13 2008, 11:46 PM GMT

My mum had a cat that was simply called 'cat', because she had never got round to naming it. I have never been that keen on Tim as a moniker, but I suppose I should be thankful...

In case you were called Adopted or summats? :P