I read the news today oh boy! Page 99

Laughing out loud

The contestants are wimps.

Quote: EllieJP @ March 26 2010, 9:43 AM GMT

Really? My whole family have been watching for that long. They love it.

You prove Tim's point. Unimpressed

Quote: EllieJP @ March 26 2010, 9:43 AM GMT

Really? My whole family have been watching for that long. They love it.

I always used to watch it when I could - until Carol left.


Quote: Aaron @ March 29 2010, 4:09 PM GMT


I clicked on that thinking it was something about The Simpsons.

Quote: Aaron @ March 29 2010, 4:09 PM GMT


This must be one heck of a slow news day for Guido. Opposing the blockade of Cuba is a pretty humdrum thing to support. Most everyone except US opposes the blockade heck Curt had his wedding there.

So a member of a trade union opposes it.

I mean really Unite have been caught supporting Hamas, Hezbollah and other violent terrorist organisations. Now that's a story.

Opposing the blockade is fine. But pressuring politicians for their opinions on the matter is quite another.

Bastards. Pirate


Sigh. Depressing.

Quote: Aaron @ March 29 2010, 5:05 PM GMT

Opposing the blockade is fine. But pressuring politicians for their opinions on the matter is quite another.

For 5 grand you could pressure them for their opinion on any damn thing you like.


Quote: DaButt @ March 29 2010, 5:59 PM GMT

Bastards. Pirate



Quote: sootyj @ March 29 2010, 6:50 PM GMT

For 5 grand you could pressure them for their opinion on any damn thing you like.

Laughing out loud


What's the betting that Obama's their anti-Christ?