British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,862

Tiny Tommy wasn't there.
I see in the papers it was labeled as a far-right march.Ya know the racist fascist nazi's.
Meanwhile, the tea towel masked, Palestine flag waving, kind caring people, hurled abuse and tried to break police lines.
It might have been for a chat - we'll never know.

Were they singing "Allah, Allah, who the f**k is Allah"?
Because the 'Concerned Citizens' certainly were

Both marches actually went off pretty quietly, which is a relief.

Phew, you found something bad. You can rest at ease now. A few kids chanted something distasteful.
I saw a 10 year old kid with a banner saying f**k off Tommy Robinson and shouting nazi mother f**kers - so it's evens.

I think, as a general rule, it's OK to swear at Nazis.

Where were they? Because I agree, Nazi's = bad.
In the past, they killed millions of Jews and burned books and synagogues. A terrible ideology.
You tell me where they are and I'll help root them out.

No, you're right, they're not proper Nazis because they're too young/uneducated to know what proper Nazis are.
More than happy to sling a few Sieg Heil salutes about, though.
And proper Nazis are more than happy to mobilise them.

This just in - tiny Tommy Robinson is a worthless little prick

You say it until you believe it.
A falsehood is still untrue no matter how many times you repeat it.

Nice lot those Labour MP's, especially the one for Runcorn.
He thumped a man in the face, knocking him to the floor then hit him again in the face while he was down.
Will Kier send him to jail (sorry Billy - gaol) for 2 years because he hates thugs? Will Mr 2 tier do anything?

EDIT: There is full video of the incident and the assaulted man was stood with his hands in his pockets when he was punched in the face.
He was then hit another 4 times while down on the floor.
What, with him and the other MP shouting for people's throats to be cut, Labour is off to a flying start condemning violence and inciting violence.

Let's see if his position of 'Honour' and possibly his rightful political inclinations keeps him out of clink, when some of those with the wrong political views who didn't even get out of their living room, got a couple of years in jail.

And is there any video evidence of the 'far right rioters' who got up to nine years jail each, exacting as much physical violence as this Labour MP did? The CCTV footage comes with a 'Graphic Violence' warning, and it's a shocker.

Labour's Honeymoon well and truly over.

The Labour MP's behaviour here is certainly terrible. I'm sure he'll be punished.
You all seem to be getting a bit carried away with your reactions here though.
Will Kier intervene to get him off? Obviously not !
Did the rioters in the summer deserve their punishment too? Hell , yes!
Though some of you with Far Right sympathies may disagree...

Yes, I'm just taking my KKK hood off after a night of burning down mosques. šŸ˜ˆ Now where are my slippers and my copy of Mein Kampf?

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 27th October 2024, 9:57 PM

Though some of you with Far Right sympathies may disagree...

There's that expression again. You can't just be "right wing" anymore. Or "right of centre". Not even "the man on the Clapham omnibus" or a defender of the separation of powers. You have to be "far right"

Mt Starmer could fast-track him to the courts and jail and make an example of him. It would show he was decisive and even-handed with some backbone.
Instead, it will be a police investigation for 6 months then a court date 6 months later and quietly forgotten.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 28th October 2024, 6:57 AM

There's that expression again. You can't just be "right wing" anymore. Or "right of centre". Not even "the man on the Clapham omnibus" or a defender of the separation of powers. You have to be "far right"

Not true. Far more people are moderately right wing or simply right of centre than are far right, in fact. Thankfully!

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