Happy Birthday Sootyj Page 5

Sooty was quietly sat.
By his cake with some candles & that.
He blew em out quick.
Then pulled out his Bic
And said "you can misquote me on that"

Happy Birthday mister S!

You can buy me a drink on Saturday to celebrate

Happy birthday! Blimey, lots of poets coming out on this thread.

Well it is SootyJ after all.
The Vera Lynn of the BCG

Very true.

An extremely happy birthday soots.

Thanks everybody I inspire poetry because I am art.

Quote: sootyj @ February 16 2012, 9:21 PM GMT

Thanks everybody I inspire poetry because I am art.

Indeed, indeed. And so inspired . . .

The boy stood on the burning deck
Picking his nose like mad,
He rolled it into little balls
And flicked it at his dad.

Happy birthday Old Fart.

Happy birthday young man

Have a good birthday Sootyj.


Bit late but happy birthday to the head of the 'illuminaughty'. :D

Missed it too so Happy Birthday to you :)

Happy birthday, soots! May your day be filled with edits and double posts.

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday!


There was a young writer called Sootyj
He made people laugh, but they had to pay
He said give me your money or I'll stop being funny
They said here's a blank cheque, now put your knob away.

Happy Birthday Soots :)