Christmas soaps AKA the wrist slash thread. Page 3

Quote: Leevil @ December 30 2011, 12:51 PM GMT

Isn't it the case that there's normally lots of happy people, celebrating and having a party whilst someone, somewhere is on their own, crying with the faint noise of the party in the background?


Quote: zooo @ December 30 2011, 1:07 PM GMT


Which one?



The third triplet,


Nobody does misery like 'Enders !!

Theyre running not one but TWO cancer stories


Pat and who?


Oh yeah!
As soon as they're not the main storyline for a week I forget all about them!

I LOVE your avatar zooo. Dinosaurs are the best. :)

Dinos are awesome. I wish my avatar was a poster so I could have it on my wall.

I looks like a poster. Should be easy to track down. :)

Hmmmm... *goes on a Google*

What did you type to find that?


Not sure. :$

May have just been 'dinosaur'.

Pat has gone to the great soap place in the sky.

And they even did the sad music over the credits!
*wipes a tear*