New Comedy Night in Bath Looking for Open Spots

Tentative date of 13th Sept for a new monthly comedy night in Bath. Venue providing funds for headliner (booked) so we're looking for support acts for open spots or local comics who'd like to help in getting this night off the ground.

Please PM Interest.

Bloody hell, that signature's profound.
I don't think I agree with it, but still, bloody hell.

LOL! It kind of spurs me on to get creative and block out the synical negative types - or self-doubt from within. Wasn't expecting a reaction to it but you made me chuckle :)

Quote: Jack Daniels @ August 12 2011, 7:55 PM BST

Bloody hell, that signature's profound.
I don't think I agree with it, but still, bloody hell.

We've moved the night to the 2nd Thursday of the month. So first gig is tomorrow night (Thursday) at Belushi's in Bath.

Due to a last minute cancellation we have an open sport available. Short notice but there if anyone's around.

Hi Richard - I'm free if the spot is still available?

Cool! Your're in!

Hey was just wondering how the night went and if it looks like it'll be a regular thing. I live in Swindon and did some open mic nights in London last year sadly due to financial problems I can no longer afford to go there so am looking for something closer to home within driving distance. When I did my material in London only one joke didn't get a laugh the rest did as always some more then others lol.

Night went really well. Those interested please contact the promoter Doug at who is now managing bookings.


Where abouts is the comedy event? I've only ever been to the Komedia one. Would love to attend some of the shows!