What YouTube video are you watching? Page 134

Is anybody moving house in the near future.


I'm plodding through the Svengali episodes.

From the same people:


As I've said before on here, I used to enter DJ "battles" when I was younger, where the aim was to try and make music out of other people's music. Back in '99, I battled a fella called DJ Woody, and I've just found this brilliant clip of him on YouTube. First he manipulates the trumpet from an old Herb Alpert record to create something brand new, and at the end he uses two needles on one record! Just watch it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp9Rb7lxUtU&NR=1

Girl sings lovely ditty about some of her favourite American comedians:


I am an electrical engineer and have programmed water fountains before.
There are a lot of difficulties in making water stop and start for good effects. Not to mention stopping drips after the valve has closed and keeping the water jet linear.

So this water fountain in a japanese shopping center is absolutely amazing.

Watch it, you will be amazed at the technology.



Apart from the obvious reason for this clip being unbelievable, I'd like to know:

a) why the grandmother opted to wear knee-high leather boots for the interview

b) how the hell that lad managed to graduate from High School (his graduation photo appears to be on the table).

Jumpin Jive - Cab Calloway and the Nicholas Brothers

Nick Clegg "warns" of riots if Tories are elected:


The only funny thing to come out of the London riots...


Quote: Gerry McDonnell @ August 8 2011, 10:17 PM BST

Nick Clegg "warns" of riots if Tories are elected:


For shame. I really don't like Tessa Jowell, is that allowed?

Quote: Tuumble @ August 9 2011, 11:41 AM BST

The only funny thing to come out of the London riots...



Amazing rescue of a tangled whale.



Leading on to... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMgadstIXkg&feature=fvwrel

Love Reeves and Mortimer.

Christan Bale and Joaquin Phoenix at IFC Spirit Awards In your face, two years ago!

All the JunkMales ones repeatedly :-)