Alan Partridge Online Episodes - Good or Bad Idea? Page 10

Welcome Rob, not sure why you'd want to watch a 'cartoon' version, but whatever floats your boat. :)

Quote: Nil Putters @ February 12 2011, 4:55 PM GMT

Welcome Rob, not sure why you'd want to watch a 'cartoon' version, but whatever floats your boat. :)

Hiya Nil,

Thanks for the welcome to the forum.

Re why did I make a cartoon version of the clips? As I said, just for a laugh.
For example, the clip of Lynn's airbag going off is funny, but its funny and surreal in cartoon form, I reckon...

Oh and I enjoy creating video effects too :)


Quote: Blenkinsop @ February 12 2011, 3:13 PM GMT

No, good point, but of course those sneaky & devious marketing types would probably 'add' content not available online and also it would be convenient to have it all to hand and bungable on the old telly box.

Armando Iannucci gives good commentary.

A good episode this week and I think the slight change in setting and setup made things fresher. Although, I haven't seen all the episodes, so maybe they have ventured out of Alan's studio before.

I'm loving these too - this week's was a little lighter on laughs but still a very enjoyable watch.

I'm certainly hoping there's a DVD release, ideally with some extra stuff.

Having seen Coogan's most recent tour, which was shambolic and sadly unfunny, it's great to see him and Partridge back on top form.

This week's (Ep 9) is ready.

Off to watch now

Best of the bunch this week.

Tears running down my face as I type. Brilliant! The final 2-3 minutes with the last caller are so so so so so funny.

Also have to say that Coogan's acting in these is marvellous too.

I'm not exactly a Partridge fan - I can take it or leave it. I've found much to enjoy with AP and much that was not so good.

Finally caught up with the online version last night and thoroughly enjoyed each of the episodes I watched. I literally laughed out loud several times, and in all honesty, in many ways, found it more enjoyable than the TV shows.

Just sayin'


The muppet's mouth part was amazing

Quote: David Bussell @ February 18 2011, 1:53 PM GMT

Best of the bunch this week.

Have to agree.

I do hope this series receives some form of network TV run, just so it gets a chance to reach a wider audience.

This is getting better each time.

Good episode, although it did borrow slightly from To Kill A Mocking Alan.

Quote: chipolata @ February 20 2011, 9:07 PM GMT

Good episode, although it did borrow slightly from To Kill A Mocking Alan.

I prefer to think of it as continuity with Alan's long-standing mental obsessions. Personally, I'm glad to see that Alan still has this morbid - almost sexual - preoccupation with special forces and hand-to-hand combat at close quarters. :)

(Incidentally, 'To Kill A Mocking Alan' contains possibly my favourite ever Alan line: "I basically want to understand Man's inhumanity to Man... and then make a programme about it.")

Quote: Tim Walker @ February 20 2011, 9:35 PM GMT

(Incidentally, 'To Kill A Mocking Alan' contains possibly my favourite ever Alan line: "I basically want to understand Man's inhumanity to Man... and then make a programme about it.")

:D I'd be hard pressed to think up a finer 30 minutes of sitcom than that episode.