My Family - Series 10 Page 17

So what episodes does the series 10 DVD include then? All 9 or just the 7 broadcast?

I'd be surprised if it's not just the 7.

Which likely means a one-discer...

Possibly, but they only just fit the 6x 28 min on. They could use a larger format of disc, but squeezing 7 onto the normal size would really compromise on quality. Although, looking through previous releases, it seems most likely they'll try to squish them on. A pity.

(Unless it really is out tomorrow and not recalled, which I suspect is even more likely, thinking back through the timescales. So buy the DVD and get a sneakie-peek at Series 11, it seems.)

Be a waste of plastic that, if it was recalled.

A report of the release today suggests it has all 9 episodes.

It has 9.

Well that's a way of killing the viewing figures when it comes back.

So what are the two un-aired episodes like?

I would actually say they are the best two of series ten. :(

Quote: Robert D @ September 14 2010, 7:22 PM BST

I would actually say they are the best two of series ten eleven. :(


Quote: Robert D @ September 14 2010, 7:22 PM BST

I would actually say they are the best two of series ten. :(

Ouch :( I hate the way they've messed about series 10, I saw no advertising whatsoever, they f**ked about with the weekly airing schedule and now two episodes are DTV Angry

Are the episodes in series order or broadcast order?

Just for the sake of it, episode 7 got the lowest ever rating for an episode coming in with just 4.09 million.

Just finally got round to ordering Series 3-5 on DVD, was waiting for them to get low enough in price.

This Christmas special is horse shit.

I liked the first half a lot more than the second half.