
Hi everyone its great to be part of this site. I've only just started writing stuff down but have allways been told im a funny guy and had ideas whizzing round my head for sitcoms, sketchs and all sorts of other stuff, and have decided to start putting pen to paper. I'll warn you my spelling and grammar can be a bit ropey but its getting better. I'm really looking forward to joining in on discussions and really really looking forward to posting ideas on the crituque forum. I wish everyone on here all the best, a great site with some great tallent on it! cheers. :)

Welcome Benno Wave

Get over to the active threads and get stuck into the witty banter that is the BCG forums.

Hi my lovely.

Welcome to the site, Benno. All your effort with spelling and grammar will be appreciated!

Hi Benno!

Hello there :)