Writing for Satire Websites

Greetings folks. I've just joined the forum and have come with one or two questions.

I'm basically interested in getting into some form of comic writing - perhaps sitcoms in the future. To ease myself in, I was hoping to do some writing for a popular satire website where I could have the satisfaction of seeing my material in the public eye/gain some experience/get a reputation.

Which are the best (or most popular) UK satire websites? Do any of you write for them? So far I've discovered News Biscuit and The Daily Fortnight (both take submissions) and The Daily Mash (no subs). But I'm not sure on the size of their audiences. Any others I should look at? Approaching the Q from a slightly different angle, being published on which site would be the greatest achievement in your eyes?

I presume you don't get paid for this kind of work unless you get a regular "gig"?

Any help appreciated


I think you'll find some websites looking for content in the Writing Opportunities forum.

And no, I don't think it's paid work.

thanks for the help - Ill have a gander

If you are interested, you might want to try writing for BBC Radio 7's Newsjack.