Writing A Film Script

I'm writing a feature screenplay currently, but it is not a comedy. Do you think if I posted it on here people would still read / critique it? Or should I stick to just comedy.

Write whatever genre you feel comfortable with.

Post only a short part of your script, the first 10 pages max, in the Critique forum.
I'm sure it'll still be reviewed, even if it's not comedy.


You might want to try this place.

They're Americans so go gently with them - no sudden irony.
It also means you'll get A LOT of structure/format comments.
But they're good people.
It's a fledgling board so you're more likely to get a read and a comment.
Most of the peer review sites ( Triggerstreet, Zoetrope) are MASSIVE and usually require you to review lots of SP's first - which can become a hobby in itself and a terrible waste of time.
It's on offshoot of Go Into The Story a well respected wannabe screenwriters blog and worth checking out.

You could try posting here, but the fact that it's a full SP and not comedy could limit your chances.
But you never know - there are quite a few screenwriters lurking around and you might get lucky.