Sitcom - nightclub based Page 2

Quote: Simon Stratton @ August 2 2008, 7:05 PM BST

P.s. Finck, I'm frankly shocked and appalled that you have ventured out of the General Thread and into here, and to exaserbate that by posting as well... for shame, Finck, for shame. :)

*hides in a dark corner*
*counts clouds of shame passing by*

Quote: Finck @ August 2 2008, 7:10 PM BST

I was tempted to suggest that Al ask "So you're the new guy?" again after the Tequila incident. But that seemed a bit obvious.

Hum - I kinda like that idea - and then throughout the episode he keeps saying 'And you're the new guy?'

Quote: Simon Stratton @ August 2 2008, 7:19 PM BST

Hum - I kinda like that idea - and then throughout the episode he keeps saying 'And you're the new guy?'

Yep. But I think I've seen it before.

Edit: I have indeed: Black Books, Ep. 1. Manny's job interview in the pub.


Agree with some re. directions. E.G. the direction 'A VERY DODGY LOOKING MEXICAN IN A SOMBRERO AND PORN-TASH. THE MEXICAN SMILES SHOWING HIS DIRTY TEETH.' could just read 'A VERY DODGY LOOKING MEXICAN' -leave it to casting, make-up & costumes (they know what a DODGY LOOKING MEXICAN looks like) - plus it's easier to read.

Also some of the dialogue needs pruning, e.g.

AL: Hi, Ray isn't it? The new guy? Welcome to my office. Can you give me a hand with this?


AL: Hi Ray, the new guy. Give me a hand?
