3rd installment of comedy ideas

Hi all, been another hard week trucking up and down the land, here's a few things that's gone around in my head this week.

National Space Centre

As you drive towards Leicester on the M1, you will notice a sign for the most pointless place in Britain. I am of course referring to the National Space Centre. It’s like having the headquarters of MENSA in California or anywhere in America thinking about it or the world centre for human rights in China. Have we really contributed so much to the space race, that we need a national centre for it?

I presume it’s a tourist attraction. If it is, I can’t imagine a more dire day out. What are people expecting to see, a Saturn Rocket or replica Space Shuttle? No chance, the only thing we’ve sent was the size of a football and is still up there bleeping into oblivion with the dog and chimp that the Russians and Americans sent up 50 years before us. If we did send a human up, it would only be a matter of time before we hear, Leicester, we have a problem! To be told, sorry everyone’s on a break at the moment can you call back in half an hour, or even worse transferred to a help line in Calcutta, “have you tried turning it off for 10 minutes and switching it back on”

Whilst on the subject of disappointing days out, why do people travel hundreds of miles to see Hadrians Wall. It’s pretty much the same as all the other walls in the middle of nowhere that you pass on the way. Why not save time and stop at the first farmer’s field, look at the wall, have your sandwiches and be home in time for Football Focus instead of Match of the Day.


I hear they’re filming a remake of My Own Private Idaho, in Wiltshire. It’s to be called Left To My Own Devizes.


I once worked as a Parasol Salesman, I tell you that was a shady business.

Well thats it for this installment, appologies if the salesman joke is a bit lame or heard before, it just came to me and thought i'd add it.

PS, don't know why but Devizes is coming up with an s instead of a Z.