The Gay Questionnaire. Page 2

Quote: Cinnamon @ September 29, 2007, 3:58 PM

The criticism was not constructive.

Calling it too predictable is constructive, surely. What do people expect?
I guess he could have elucidated that the first three targets were: Judy Garland, Barry Manilow, The Wizard of Oz.

I would agree with that JohnnyD, it was the pointless rudeness in the W/light and KP exchange that disappointed me.. but I think he who casts the first stone by being rude deserves all he gets, IMHO.

"I propose that we create a thread 'Insult The Hell Out Of People' so that these issues can be safely done away with. The criticism was not constructive but the little revenge insult was pointless ".

The little revenge insult was pointless I agree but I must admit I got a strange kind of enjoyment out of it

And also had the piece of writng I was eluding to been, in my opinion , funny, I would have said so. If you read my posts I am the first to give praise when an entry is genuinely funny.

My argument is, and I probably point this to people like Winterlight [who is probably a lovely person when you get to know him/her] , unless you can write seriously good comedy yourself, be a little less eager to criticise others.

Both parties are entitled to their views; but Pete, if you can't handle a bit of criticism, please don't post up your sketches.

Maybe I'm wrong but your comment about Winterlight's blog post looked like a bit of petty retaliation to me.

Trust me, the odd negative opinion is good to get - if all anyone ever posted on here was "ohh that's brilliant" it'd take away the whole point of this test bed.

Disgraceful! And disgracefully funny.

Quick look.... Elvis

Quote: Mark @ September 29, 2007, 5:13 PM

Trust me, the odd negative opinion is good to get - if all anyone ever posted on here was "ohh that's brilliant" it'd take away the whole point of this test bed.

I don't think any sensible person would disagree with that, Mark. But to say that the piece was only worthy of being an email forward was unecessarily rude and quite derogatory. I think when posters in critique criticise a piece of work they should be polite and constructive. If they choose to throw a rude stone at somebodys window then they should not be too surprised when their property is returned to them; and it disappoints me that others get all hoity toity about that. Why do we have to ignore rude posters?

Not necessarily in this case, but I sometimes think rude posters have an hidden agenda when they post which has nothing to do with the quality of the piece of work they are critiqueing...

Quote: dannyjb1 @ September 29, 2007, 6:28 PM

Quick look.... Elvis

Or is it just ANOTHER fluffy toy! ;)

Quote: Frankie Rage @ September 29, 2007, 8:35 PM

I don't think any sensible person would disagree with that, Mark. But to say that the piece was only worthy of being an email forward was unecessarily rude and quite derogatory. I think when posters in critique criticise a piece of work they should be polite and constructive. If they choose to throw a rude stone at somebodys window then they should not be too surprised when their property is returned to them; and it disappoints me that others get all hoity toity about that. Why do we have to ignore rude posters?

Because it wasn't a rebuttal, it was revenge. Winterlight hadn't asked for criticism, Kent Pete had just gone out of his way to find it. Then again, I do agree that it's very easy to be disdainful of others but very hard to find oneself treated so lightly.

Quote: Cinnamon @ September 29, 2007, 9:32 PM

Because it wasn't a rebuttal, it was revenge. Winterlight hadn't asked for criticism, Kent Pete had just gone out of his way to find it. Then again, I do agree that it's very easy to be disdainful of others but very hard to find oneself treated so lightly.

Fair point, I didn't agree with KP's response either and have posted so.

So you have, I feel duly ashamed.

Let's all be friends (of sorts).

Well, we are all writers of one sort or another, which is why I thought the critique forum would be a friendlier place than it is. But it's only a small number of posters that are unecessarily rude.

For my part, I have no lasting animosity towards anyone on here. :)

I think constructive criticism (whether you like or dislike a piece for whatever reason) should basically be polite. If it isn't then you have to doubt the sincerity of the poster as you cannot be sure of their motive, which sort of defeats the objective of them bothering to respond.

If I ever put anything in critique again, it may have the tag: "If you are going to be rude or off hand, don't bother posting, whether you like the piece or not, as I will not know if I can value your opininon and so you would be wasting your time"

I am not looking for sycophancy, a polite "It's not funny for me" or "I don't like it, it's not well written because...." will always be well received and in fact welcomed.

Oooooh, this thread has become a bit, he said, she said hasn't it.

If it helps at all I think we should get back to the main point of the thread which was critiquing KP's 'Gay Questionnaire'. Well to be honest, like a few others I found myself laughing at loud at certain points, especially the line, "You know perfectly well what felching is you dirty bitch".

Sure some of it was a bit predictable [The Wizard of Oz KP ? ] but it is rare for stuff on here to make me actually laugh out loud so it get's my thumbs up.

As for going easy on stuff until you can write good comedy yourself, well yes I agree with Frankie Rage on this.

A message to Winterlight, as thumper said, " If you can't say something nice say nothing at all " or at least wait till you can write good stuff yourself.



Yes, you're quite right Caroline I have hijacked KP's thread for far too long!

As for putting our handbags away:

Laughing out loud

Thanks Frankie but it was getting a bit much wasn't it. I actually really like KP's stuff. He comes across as a bit hot headed at times though and definately can't take criticism. Though I suppose I might find it difficult to take that kind of criticism from someone who doesn't seem to write much good comedy himself [W/L]. We should get Gervais on here to have a go at his stuff, he'd have to shut up then :D

By the way are you one of the Junk Males frankie ?

Quote: Caroline Mack @ September 30, 2007, 12:43 AM

Thanks Frankie but it was getting a bit much wasn't it. I actually really like KP's stuff. He comes across as a bit hot headed at times though and definately can't take criticism. Though I suppose I might find it difficult to take that kind of criticism from someone who doesn't seem to write much good comedy himself [W/L]. We should get Gervais on here to have a go at his stuff, he'd have to shut up then :D

By the way are you one of the Junk Males frankie ?

Caroline have to say you seem very familar, you wouldn't happen to have a twin called Craig would you, or am I getting confused again (happens so often these days, old age creeping in)