Lost website, please help

Hi all,

I recently lost everything on my computer and now can't find a comedy website I used to like.

It consisted of victorian black and white pictures which had funny captions added to them. I think it was called something like "beyond the sea" but I can't find it anywhere.

Can anyone help me find it?

Many thanks

Did you lose Google?

Oh yes - "Beyond The Sea"

It's there... "somewhere... waiting for meeeee..."

It must have been a brilliant site.

Quote: Tim Walker @ October 27 2009, 2:46 AM BST

It must have been a brilliant site.

Could well have been. The sorta place where my lover stands on golden sands and watches the ships that go sailin'

Here you are.

Quote: Kenneth @ October 27 2009, 4:24 AM BST

Here you are.

This looks like a porn site..my system has blocked it....

Quote: Stephen Hernandez @ October 27 2009, 7:31 AM BST

This looks like a porn site..my system has blocked it....

It's just some saucy Victorian sepia photos with hilarious captions, often in the form of double entendres.

Yes it is, thanks for the link.

Ah, pictures of naked women smoking... They were ahead of their time in so many ways, those Victorians. :)

Haha - some of those are rather good.