Leaving the BCG



I'm off, people. I've got a lot of stuff going on in my life (none of it success related, sadly) and I've decided sitting at my PC doing anything other than writing isn't a good idea.

It's all been very amusing over the last few years - and it was through here I got in touch with Tim Walker, of course, who's ace. So it's not been a wasted time. And I've rowed with Griff loads, so that was fun too. The meet up was great too, even though I had a terrible hangover on the 8am train back home and had to work all day after.

But yeah, it's time I left this forum and moved on. I've got to devote my life to one person . . . Me.

No, seriously when you've got a choice between real life and a forum, you know what, real life wins by a mile. It's taken a series of circumstances to realise that.

The last 7 months in my life have been amazingly high, and f**king low. At the moment it's f**king high, and I intend it to stay that way.

Good luck everyone, and Aaron - when you want to interview me after I collect my BAFTA, just ask. I'm sure I can find a window in my diary.

So Seefacts disappears . . . Lets be fair, it's been coming.


Quote: Seefacts @ July 30 2009, 6:05 PM BST

No, seriously when you've got a choice between real life and a forum, you know what, real life wins by a mile. It's taken a series of circumstances to realise that.

Real Life?

Bye Seefacts, hope you find even more success. Wave

Quote: Gavin @ July 30 2009, 6:10 PM BST

Real Life?

Try it, Gavin. It's f**king glorious.

Quote: Seefacts @ July 30 2009, 6:10 PM BST

Try it, Gavin. It's f**king glorious.

I dunno out there be dragons. ;)

I enjoyed your posts and run-ins with Griff, Seefacts. I understand your 'choice between real life and a forum' - it's a bugger, isn't it?

All the very best for the future!

Morrace Wave

Oh noes!

I feel like the painting aging in the basement, whilst you become younger and more successful.

Good luck, Tom. I hope I see you on the other side.


Best of luck Seefacts, I'll have to row with myself now. Hope all goes well with School Of Comedy etc.


Good luck with everything Seefacts!

Don't worry, I'll annoy Griff for you if you like. :)

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ July 30 2009, 6:38 PM BST

Don't worry, I'll annoy Griff for you if you like. :)

We all will :D

Quote: Griff @ July 30 2009, 6:26 PM BST

Hope all goes well with School Of Comedy etc.

Therein lies the real reason for his departure!

Quote: Aaron @ July 30 2009, 6:44 PM BST

Therein lies the real reason for his departure!

I wish.

I can confirm I think very little of my work is in the show, 1 - 2 sketches at the most. Even then I think they're just re-filmed versions from the pilot.

I wrote a lot of extra stuff at their request, but it never happened (some was filmed though). I don't even know when it goes out.

I joined the site not being a writer, and I've left the site not being a writer.

For Seefacts.


I don't really understand why one has to choose between the two, but that's neither here nor there I suppose. Everyone's different.

Good luck, Seefacts!!! You've been on here forever, we will miss you being around.