Opinions Please!

Hi everyone,

I have been thinking of an idea for a live show which I would like your opinions on. I reckon, personally, it will be contraversial as well as funny and down right shocking. At the smae time though getting an important message across.

The idea is four characters, 1 female / Black man / White man / Muslim each ripping the piss out of each other on stage. Anything can be said no matter how shocking.

I honestly think if you got the right blend of characters this could be hilarious. Tell me what you think.

P.S I'm not sure of this is in the right forum, if not apologies to the moderaters.

Quote: Darren Pomroy @ May 18 2009, 11:11 AM BST

Hi everyone,

I have been thinking of an idea for a live show which I would like your opinions on. I reckon, personally, it will be contraversial as well as funny and down right shocking. At the smae time though getting an important message across.

The idea is four characters, 1 female / Black man / White man / Muslim each ripping the piss out of each other on stage. Anything can be said no matter how shocking.

I honestly think if you got the right blend of characters this could be hilarious. Tell me what you think.

P.S I'm not sure of this is in the right forum, if not apologies to the moderaters.

Doubt that working. Ideas for such progs can be nicked, it's not illegal.
So if you don't want your work nicked, don't put it on the net.
it's different with other stuff

Quote: Darren Pomroy @ May 18 2009, 11:11 AM BST

At the smae time though getting an important message across.

What's the message?

I don't know. Sounds like something Nathan Barley would do.

To be honest, without knowing what the 'message' is or seeing some of these characters in action, it sounds like either a terribly vague or just terrible idea.

Is this something you hope to describe as 'hilariously non-PC'...?

Quote: Darren Pomroy @ May 18 2009, 11:11 AM BST

The idea is four characters, 1 female / Black man / White man / Muslim each ripping the piss out of each other on stage. Anything can be said no matter how shocking.

A bit dodgy, no matter how funny or innocent the dialogue, because of the set-up you will always get the odd person labelling it as racist, even if it isn't.
Couldn't the Muslim just be Asian or an Eskimo or something? People get even touchier when you start messing with religion. May even have to go and hide with Slaman Rushdie.

Bringing religion into it isn't a good idea, hey-nonny's right about it being percieved as being racist but the salman rushdie comment was uncalled for.

Quote: Zuhaib @ May 18 2009, 12:14 PM BST

Bringing religion into it isn't a good idea, hey-nonny's right about it being percieved as being racist but the salman rushdie comment was uncalled for.

My apologies Zuhaib if you were offended by the Rushdie comment.

Quote: hey_nonny @ May 18 2009, 11:46 AM BST

A bit dodgy, no matter how funny or innocent the dialogue, because of the set-up you will always get the odd person labelling it as racist, even if it isn't.
Couldn't the Muslim just be Asian or an Eskimo or something? People get even touchier when you start messing with religion. May even have to go and hide with Slaman Rushdie.

I think this is Darren' point. If you take the piss out of everyone how can anyone complain?

I take it the woman is a Lesbian Nun.

Quote: hey_nonny @ May 18 2009, 1:05 PM BST

My apologies Zuhaib if you were offended by the Rushdie comment.

How is that offensive? Apart from the fact us tax payers had to pay to protect him.

Shows how tolerant a religin it is.

Somebody will ALWAYS complain.

I'm sure there are some people who actually spend most of their waking hours watching TV or surfing the net just searching for things to be offended by.

Quote: Darren Pomroy @ May 18 2009, 11:11 AM BST

Hi everyone,

I have been thinking of an idea for a live show which I would like your opinions on. I reckon, personally, it will be contraversial as well as funny and down right shocking. At the smae time though getting an important message across.

The idea is four characters, 1 female / Black man / White man / Muslim each ripping the piss out of each other on stage. Anything can be said no matter how shocking.

I honestly think if you got the right blend of characters this could be hilarious. Tell me what you think.

P.S I'm not sure of this is in the right forum, if not apologies to the moderaters.

I have one pearl of wisdom: When writing your script, don't write in an accent. It's not a good look.

Good luck with it all, though. :)

Quote: Chappers @ May 18 2009, 3:48 PM BST

I think this is Darren' point. If you take the piss out of everyone how can anyone complain?

So somebody from an ethnic background should not be offended by a racist/nationalist comment, as long as every other race/nation is having the piss ripped out of them also? Ridiculous.

Quote: Chappers @ May 18 2009, 3:48 PM BST

I think this is Darren' point. If you take the piss out of everyone how can anyone complain?

This would be the point.

Like I said it was an idea that popped in my head about two days ago and I wasn't sure.

Quote: don rushmore @ May 18 2009, 5:27 PM BST

So somebody from an ethnic background should not be offended by a racist/nationalist comment, as long as every other race/nation is having the piss ripped out of them also? Ridiculous.

Not ridiculous. Just over sensitive. Have you never had the piss taken out of you?

Quote: don rushmore @ May 18 2009, 5:27 PM BST

So somebody from an ethnic background should not be offended by a racist/nationalist comment, as long as every other race/nation is having the piss ripped out of them also? Ridiculous.

To be fair, don, Family Guy is an equal opportunities offender, and it's up there in terms of quality comedy. I dunno, maybe it works better in animation.