Your sexiest moments Page 5

Quote: Lee Henman @ March 5 2009, 10:19 PM GMT

God I wish my missus would climax so easily. It's ridiculous how long I have to be on the job to satisfy her these days. It was half an hour the other night - I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

I bet most of those 30 minutes was you struggling up the stairs. By then she's done most of the dirty work herself.

Quote: Seefacts @ March 5 2009, 4:32 PM GMT

I'm sat here listening to XTC in jogging bottoms eating crisps...

Why are XTC in jogging bottoms eating crisps? Is it available on YouTube?

Laughing out loud

That presented an image I never expected - I let out a loud snort which got me some funny looks.


Quote: EllieJP @ March 5 2009, 9:51 AM GMT

Mine was recently where I dressed up for my bloke and I felt like the sexiest woman in the world for that 2 hours and I knew he thought the same! :)

Yes I dressed up as a badger.

As a badger? Hubba hubba