Anyone else alone on Valentine's? Page 2

Quote: Lee Henman @ February 13 2009, 5:01 PM GMT

Me and the missus will be celebrating Valentine's Day in the traditional way...going out for a nosh-up, me getting drunk then attempting copulation but failing miserably then falling asleep in front of Star Trek.

Ah, the romance of it alll...

That's disgusting. Star Trek deserves far more respect.

I have been with my man for 30 years. I am very lucky.

Well I will be surrounded my thousands of screaming people on Valentines Day. Not my personal fan club but I will be in the Millennium Stadium for the rugby. Relationship wise pretty alone though. :( But it won't matter because I'll be out with mates :)

I haven't received or sent a Valentines card for about 5 years now. I don't really miss it to be honest.

After the game I think I'll pop round Sooty's for a compensatery cuddle. That should do the trick.

Quote: Lee Henman @ February 13 2009, 5:01 PM GMT

Me and the missus will be celebrating Valentine's Day in the traditional way...going out for a nosh-up, me getting drunk then attempting copulation but failing miserably then falling asleep in front of Star Trek.

Ah, the romance of it alll...

Ahh, that's how all good relationships should be.

Me - and the Mrs. I locked her in the cellar.

If I was still at school, I'd have probably received a million cards from random girls who think it's hilarious to send me a joke card :P

I've only ever got one card. It was from my friend. It was signed from "Nole Filding" Though O.o .. the thought was there...

Quote: Lord Meldrum @ February 13 2009, 4:00 PM GMT

So that just leaves me and my Steptoe & Son boxset.

Not the worst partner, believe me!

Well, I'm never alone with a prostitute! Well, not physically alone. Except when I can't afford the 2nd hour... Then I'm also physically alone.

But you always have the memories.

Still get to give a card to someone. Credit card, but...

Quote: dannyjb1 @ February 13 2009, 4:30 PM GMT

Never on all my years on this planet have I recieved a single card

Nor have I.

(I'm discounting the ones from girlfriends, because they're obligatory.)

I received a card today for the first time in a loooooong time. But I did not send one :$ Oops. But I will still be dateless today for sure. Tis a weird world I live in. If it was my mum I will be slightly disappointed.

Only 'slightly'?!

Quote: Dr Mato @ February 13 2009, 4:20 PM GMT

I have Buster, Elliott and my cupboards are full. No alone here. :D

Why am I in your cupboard? :O

So it's okay to spell your name with two Ts now?:P

The dog is allowed to!