How are ya? - How's the family?

Hi I'm new, really new. I've never written a screenplay before and I've never written a comedy. I think I want to write novels but I'm probably shite!

Here's the thing, I can't write a screenplay, my brain just won't work that way. I do however have an understanding of how it all works.

So I invented a thing called a 'media core story' - actually I probably didn't invent it. It's probably a standard thing by a different name. Anyway, where was I? yes. I write in SLT knowing it may be adapted for screen or I may adapt it into a novel. Anyway, that's where I'm at. An American screenwriter asked for my Act I then asked if he could adapt it to show to XY & Z. That's me, and all that's happened up until now - What are you lot up to?

Quote: Michael Scott @ October 31 2008, 10:32 PM BST

I've never written a screenplay before and I've never written a comedy.

Me neither, are we related?

Welcome btw.

Evening. *tips cap*

Quote: Nil Putters @ October 31 2008, 10:35 PM BST

Me neither, are we related?

Welcome btw.

My dad's pretending to sleep.

Congratumalations to Michael, for creating thread number 10,000. :D

Hey Michael! And as Aaron said, felicimatations!

And there's post 298,800, Robyn! :D

Hellooooo, Michael! Wave

Hi, question, if I just a have a joke, part of a dialogue. How should it be formatted.

Head over to the Writers' Discussion forum. :)

Quote: Aaron @ November 1 2008, 10:59 PM BST

And there's post 298,800, Robyn! :D

Hehe yaaaay! Laughing out loud


My favourite apple is the Egremont Russet.

Hello and welcome!