Comedy Lab....

Did anyone send anything in when it was announced? Oh, and hands up who got their rejection today.

*puts hand up*

It was actually quite nice, not that i got rejected but that they sent the script back. Laughing out loud

Yep, got my rejection.

Interesting, I didn't get my rejection today!

Never mind Hotzappa and Matthew - good luck with your next submissions. Fingers crossed Keith!

I got my rejection last week.

Quote: Miranda Walker @ October 27, 2006, 9:11 AM

Never mind Hotzappa and Matthew - good luck with your next submissions. Fingers crossed Keith!

Thanks for your encouragemnt, Miranda, but I forgot to add something....The reason I didn't get a response, was I didn't send anything!! Just my little joke!!

Quote: Keith Rees @ November 2, 2006, 12:34 PM

The reason I didn't get a response, was I didn't send anything!! Just my little joke!!


any news keith!?