What are you watching on TV? Page 92

Malcolm in the Middle-the one where Hal's teaching Malcolm to roller skate. Best. Episode. Ever!

After Youve Gone- Great show

Jules Holland

Nick Cave-Pretentious crapola

Sharleen Spiteri- Pretty good

The Raconteurs- Shit hot

I am watching my DVD of The Rag Trade series one.

Was that the one with all those women locked in a sweatshop? You have strange tastes Monsieur Brown.

Well, I wouldn't say locked: they were always going on strike. But yes.

Comedy Sketchbook.

From Victoria Wood.

"We'd like to apologise to viewers in the North. It must be terrible up there."

I like Victoria Wood.

I just saw a very old picture of Mike Meyers and he looked just like her.

Quote: David Chapman @ May 14 2008, 10:56 PM BST

"We'd like to apologise to viewers in the North. It must be terrible up there."


Waiting for Neighbours!

just watched season 7 finale of scrubs.

:O! New Scrubs tonight!

where are you all up to shall I tell you how it ends :P

:O NO!!!

Don't worry I wouldnt say anyways :P

Elliot is seriously hot in it though god shes hot!