British Comedy Guide

Boy Meets Girl - Series 2

I haven't laughed once yet ... maybe it's more of a drama than a comedy? They've repeated the same 'funny' line twice.

I had the same thought watching E2 last night. Don't think I've laughed yet and I'm really just not interested this time round.

Quote: malcy @ 16th July 2016, 12:00 PM BST

I had the same thought watching E2 last night. Don't think I've laughed yet and I'm really just not interested this time round.

I'm glad that it's not just me then The Radio Times always seems to big it up every week, but I've deleted the series stack now. It's such a shame.

In the last series I found both of the families utterly annoying, but thought that the scenes with the main couple just about made up for it. So far in this series Leo and Judy barely seem to have any scenes with just them, so it's just utterly annoying overacting galore from all of the supporting cast. And some of the jokes - did they really do the forget-to-put-the-lid-on-the-blender? Really? I winced.

I've only seen the first episode so far.

Maybe it's just because of the series' subject matter which when it first happened was quite groundbreaking. Is the trans part just a side-issue now?

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