General, General Thread Page 124

Well... :$

Just had to share this hilarity before I go.

Laughing out loud

Night night everyone. :)


Prince Harry really is properly gorgeous.

Particularly so all dressed up in his army gear?

Yeah. Lovey

Standing to attention?

In more ways than one.

I only meant it in one way.

Quote: zooo @ March 2, 2008, 1:45 PM

Prince Harry really is properly gorgeous.

Zooo, No!

He looks like Leevils Avater.

I just saw him all back from... Afghanistan? Wherever. He is all tanned and scruffy haired and, grr.

No Zooo, No.
Stick with David T. That is very understandable.

Also his face & hands will be tanned, but the rest of him will still be pink.

Quote: zooo @ March 2, 2008, 4:33 PM

I just saw him all back from... Afghanistan? Wherever. He is all tanned and scruffy haired and, grr.

Laughing out loud

Quote: zooo @ March 2, 2008, 4:33 PM

I just saw him all back from... Afghanistan? Wherever. He is all tanned and scruffy haired and, ginger.

We know he is. Takes after his dad!

Well said David.