Am I as funny as I thought?! Page 7

Haha I new you would say something like that. It was just a example I make people laugh I just want to be able to do that in stand up. I no it's different but I enjoy making people laugh.

Quote: Chappers @ 19th June 2014, 12:00 AM BST

You don't have to actually tell jokes though. If you're funny in the pub how do you make people laugh?

You see that is funny. Is it your own work? I've never heard it before but it has the feel of an old joke.

See in the pub it's more whit than telling jokes it's the combacks and opening my mouth without speaking that I'm good at. I just know doing this in stand up will not work and I need a script.

And yes I came up with the joke a while back after seeing something on TV about animal fetishes and again at the pub we were talking about it and I came up with the joke. I just think one liners arnt going to be my thing as I would never be able to think of enough. When telling a story to my mates I can have them in stitches but can't seem to write stuff down that sounds funny

Sorry Olliet you didn't write the gag. This happens sometimes.

What do you mean?

It's not original. It's an old gag.

From what?

It's not an original joke. It's an old one. Not sure how to express this any differently.

Quite simple.. Where did you hear this joke.. How long ago.. Are you sure you have and not just think you may have?

Google it and put what do you do if you come across a tiger.. check out sickiepedia the first hit

7 years old :/ can't take the credit for that I suppose huh obviously heard it before I thought I made it up ill be googling my jokes in future before I post anything

Like I say it happens a bit. There's is probably a term for it.

It happens a lot. Loads of people see things the same way.

I hesitate to throw my own two cents in but, the other day a convenience store clerk asked me for medical advice, so I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment.

Olliet: Here's an exercise that might be useful. Pick a subject that's important to you. Your family, your friends at the pub, new customers at the pub, tourists and how they behave, anything at all. Write about just one of those things and every now and again, reword your opinion in a way that seems clever to you.

Try that joke out on a few people. Preferably not people who know you and therefore are likely to give you a genuine opinion.

Good luck at the open mics.

You don't need to become a professional comedian or comic writer to prove you're funny. You are just funny or you aren't.

Your friends may laugh at you because they know you. If you were a stranger telling the same joke they may not laugh.

A lot of sitcom writing involves getting the characters and situations right. So other skills apart from funniness are needed.

Quote: Marc P @ 18th June 2014, 11:55 PM BST

Is that you Barry?

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Quote: Olliet @ 19th June 2014, 12:09 AM BST

it's opening my mouth without speaking that I'm good at

I'm not sure that's much of a challenge, but it's nice that you've found your niche. :P