I got this published - let me know what you think!

Hi - hope this is not too shameless, and I know it is not comedy in the sense most people here think of - but panto is a comic form and plenty of comedians got in for it!

I have a (I think!) rather unique pantomime published by Lazy Bee scripts called "The Adventures of Goldilockpick and Little Red Riding Hoodlum". It is in rhyme, has parts that could be dames and principal boys, as well as two great, very slapstick comedy leads for two young women - not an opportunity to be found often. I would like to find avenues to promote it more widely and get it performed more regularly. Any suggestions?
Some feedback or reviews on the script itself would be appreciated!
The script can be found here: http://www.lazybeescripts.co.uk/Scripts/script.aspx?iSS=1194
There is also an edited version for performance by kids if business in the full version cannot be managed: http://www.lazybeescripts.co.uk/Scripts/script.aspx?iSS=1193

Quote: ToddB @ 1st February 2014, 12:51 PM GMT

I would like to find avenues to promote it more widely and get it performed more regularly. Any suggestions?

Primary schools?

Thanks - I have had some schools study or perform it. I wonder how to get more community theatre groups to take an interest. Did you read it by any chance??

I didn't read it as I my leisure reading time is presently devoted to the Billy Bunter series. After which I intend to go through all of Biggles, then all of Agatha Christie. But the title imparts enough information to know it's a comedic take on Goldilocks - the sort of thing school children should go for.