House Of Fools - Series 1 Page 8

Oh butter my arse

I forgot all about this and missed it

Got about 15 minutes into this and thought "Not really that bothered". Not to say it was terrible, but I don't think they managed to mix Vic and Bob's brand of humour with the sitcom format.

It's about time for a repeat of Vic's House Arrest . . .

They should do a sketch where they climb into their washing machine and go time travelling....

Just a silly thought. Whistling nnocently

It doesn't matter that it's not really a sitcom. It's Vic and Bob!

Thoughts about last night's? I loved it.

I've just remembered that, for me, Vic and Bob are much like marzipan. Every now and again I'll really fancy some, but after devouring a mouthful and telling myself how much I've missed it, I start to feel a bit yucky and I suddenly remember that marzipan's not all it's cracked up to be. And then I don't go near it again for another ten years.

It was very, very silly again. Laughed a lot.

Watched last night's and laughed a lot.

I have been watching comedy for decades so it takes a lot to make me laugh nowadays (I have usually seen it all before).

But when they all sat round and told their "pork pie" stories, and Matt Berry told about when he picked up a hitch hiker that had no head, then no arms, then no legs and so on (I won't spoil it for those who have not seen it) then I almost choked with laughter.

In fact I was watching it on my Sky box as I had recorded it and had to stop playing it after Matt's story as I was laughing so much.

While it is zany and childish and silly and funny I saw some similar jokes in this week's show to last week's show so do have a concern that by the 6th show we will have seen the same jokes a number of times.

But apart from that I am enjoying it a lot.

Took me a while in last week's show to realise that the person playing Bosh (Renton Skinner) also plays Angelos Epithemiou (one of my least favourite comedy characters).

And the girl playing Julie (Morgana Robinson) was in the first episode of Toast of London as the girl who had almost murdered her boyfriend and was wearing the electronic tag.

Yes, a few gag repeats. This ep was more "sit com shaped", I felt, for better and worse.

As with last week, I have a list of criticisms 3 foot long, but the fact is I kept on laughing, which has got to mean it's good comedy, whatever else it might be.

"Raise the beef curtain." >_< Brilliant so far, laughed my socks off, then made sock puppets to re-enact the Boer War.

Episode two was definitely more story driven than episode one, although that's not saying much. :)

It was as funny as episode one and thankfully Matt Berry seems to be getting as much screen time as Vic & Bob whose sthick alone could get a bit tiresome after five minutes.

Funny little bits in again but come on, is this really enough for a 'sitcom'!!! The zany 'surreal' nonsense, not surreal as much as just random silliness, is just a handy excuse to make an indulgent mess of a show with little form. Utter indulgent tosh, from Berry's only character portrayal whatever the show, to Mortimer's ceaselessly astounding lack of talent.

It takes us further away from real sitcom, is more proof if we needed it that established comics of any kind are taking over the sitcom schedule just to bask in their own 'comedic' glory and in so doing consign the great British sitcom to history. Vain greedy bastards. And the commissioners are gullible, clueless, thankless imposters who have no understanding or regard for their own channel's heritage. As long as they keep getting their lavish corporate lunches and production parties, it's all that now matters to them. Maggots.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 26th January 2014, 9:41 AM GMT

Funny little bits in again but come on, is this really enough for a 'sitcom'!!! The zany 'surreal' nonsense, not surreal as much as just random silliness, is just a handy excuse to make an indulgent mess of a show with little form. Utter indulgent tosh, from Berry's only character portrayal whatever the show, to Mortimer's ceaselessly astounding lack of talent.

It takes us further away from real sitcom, is more proof if we needed it that established comics of any kind are taking over the sitcom schedule just to bask in their own 'comedic' glory and in so doing consign the great British sitcom to history. Vain greedy bastards. And the commissioners are gullible, clueless, thankless imposters who have no understanding or regard for their own channel's heritage. As long as they keep getting their lavish corporate lunches and production parties, it's all that now matters to them. Maggots.

What an odd post!

Are you drunk? or just a bit daft?

Just watching it, reminds me of Rentaghost in all the best ways