What are you watching on TV? Page 1,830

Watching Dynamo in Rio de Janeiro.

Forcing my brain to remember that it's all just illusion and slight of hand, but still thinking "how the f..."

Under The Dome. Pretty good so far. Aside from the poor cow.

Started season 4 of Breaking Bad on Netflix.
Good Lordy Lord.

Press preview on Sky. Kevin McGuire is my hero.

British Bake Off. <3<3<3


Oops, was on wrong channel. Has it always been BBC2?

BBC2 HD Cakes!



Aw. I liked him. :(

Yeah, but he had to go. Salt? Really?

New Tricks. As Brian is leaving, and he's the best thing about it, I think there should be a spin off series, Brian PI.

Quote: Nil Putters @ August 20 2013, 8:58 PM BST

Yeah, but he had to go. Salt? Really?

Lol, true.

Mary's Angel Food cake was plopped in very early on in the proceedings just to rattle them, a very welcome back to this show. I do think to myself though when they cry over a bit of runny rhubarb 'you complete out of touch nincompoop' or other swears like that.

Can't believe how many people sliced their fingers open. Although I suppose all the knives are brand new and lethally sharp.