Edinburgh Festival 2013

So anyone going this year?

I'm vaguely planning in mid August.

So who's joining moi?

Quote: sootyj @ May 19 2013, 6:29 PM BST

So anyone going this year?

I'm vaguely planning in mid August.

So who's joining moi?

Does this chat up line ever work?

I think you know the answer to that your holiness

Hi Soots

I just booked up yesterday and popped on here to see who's going. So thanks for the thread!

I'm there from Sunday 4th to Friday 9th.

Doesn't count as 'mid' unfortunately.


I shall rearrange my comedy viewing funds are bloated with elance funds.

Nice one. I take it you mean freelance without the free so you actually get paid? Or I'm behind the times and have no idea what you're talking about.

oh yuh I get paid

I've been borin 24/7 about it for a year now

I haven't been around since last ed so I've missed out and am newly impressed. :-)

Ok I'm on the train to Edinburgh now did you get there in the end sootyj

No damn my timing sucks

How long you up for?

Just the afternoon. Spotted chopz in the free listings

wait are you in Scotland or something already?

I went to the fringe. Purposefully didn't take my guitar so I couldn't perform (though it didn't stop people asking or offering to find me a damn guitar). Finally realised the pro to doing stand up- free tickets. Thank ye Jebus.

Anyway, my top picks:

Bridget Christie- A Bic For Her (my favourite ever hour show)
Phil Ellis- Unplanned Orphan
Beta Males- Superopolis
Seymour Mace- Marmaduke Spatula
Jay Foreman- No More Colours

Hi Steve 

That was a quick visit. Hope you had fun.   I enjoyed my time in Ed.  I agree with Natalie, when you perform you get more free tickets but I could just relax this year and enjoy some fine comedy.  Plus I interviewed Steve of McNeil and Pamphillon who I met at the Sitcom Trials yonks ago. Always enjoy their shows.


I don't think I saw a bad show but my faves included

Sam Fletcher - Silly fun
Horne section - musical fun
Pun run - groan based fun 
Garrett millerick. - grown up fun
Susan calman. - friendly fun 
Nick helm. Loud fun 
Simon munnery - wacky fun
Abandoman - improvised fun

Also on the free fringe I enjoyed DeathShip666.  Standing room only at 10.45am! A musical parody of the Titanic story.  But worked much better than I'd expected. 

And JollyBoat. More music - this time pirate themed. I even bought the T-shirt!

Plus in the BBC corner Stuart Goldsmith interviewed Mark Watson and Susan Calman about using their own lives and relationships in comedy.  That was interesting as was the Amnesty podcast with John Lloyd, Sandi Toksvig etc

And the Wardens play which Steve was in.  I hadn't realised when I bought a ticket for Garrett Millerick that he co-wrote the play. I'd definitely look out for him again. 

One show I'd have liked to have seen was Set List which I think is on every night. Different comics each time given a subject as they walk on to do their ten minutes. 

So I saw about half a percent of what was on. Has anyone worked out how many BCGers it would take watching shows all day long to cover them all? 

Did you go Sooty? 
