British Comedy Guide

Dominic Frisby in Brexit-fuelled singles chart race

Thursday 30th January 2020, 2:51pm

Dominic Frisby
  • Dominic Frisby currently has 2 versions of the same song in the singles charts' top 3
  • He is attempting to get 17 Million Fuck-Offs to number one
  • The pro-Brexit single is a response to continued delays to UK's EU withdrawal

Comedian Dominic Frisby is in a singles chart race as the UK prepares to leave the European Union.

On the eve of the UK's multiple-times-delayed exit from the bloc, he is currently sitting at both number 2 and number 3 in download singles charts with different versions of the same song, 17 Million Fuck-Offs.

However, his comic ditty is currently being outsold by an André Rieu recording of Beethoven's classical masterpiece commonly known as Ode To Joy, which has been adopted as the official anthem of the EU.

17 Million Fuck-Offs was originally released in early March 2019, ahead of the first scheduled date of the United Kingdom's departure from the supra-national organisation.

That first version of the song currently occupies the number 3 position in the charts.

Following three further delays to the UK's withdrawal, as mandated by a national referendum in June 2016, Frisby updated the song for 2020 and the final, resolved exit date and time of 11pm GMT on Friday 31st January.

Released at the start of the month, it is that revised version of the track that currently occupies the number 2 spot.

The comic has committed that all money raised through sales of the song will be donated to charity.

Frisby, who will perform at a Brexit celebratory event in Parliament Square, Westminster, as withdrawal hour approaches, says: "It's me, an ordinary bloke who wrote a tune with his mate one day, up against a subsidised German colossus. Not a bad metaphor for Brexit.

"Beethoven's possibly the greatest composer who ever lived. But, on the whole, all things considered, I think my gags are funnier. And I think Ludwig would approve. He was a great anti-authoritarian.

"Given the choice between a big budget, orchestral extravaganza selected to champion a crony-capitalist, bureaucratic gravy train and a comic song written by a bloke who doesn't even have a record deal, I think I know which Ludwig would be

"Let's get this Brexit anthem to number one and hit the right note in Parliament Square on Friday for the Brexit Celebration."

Lyrics in the revised tune include:

It was the greatest democratic turnout in British history, I do not scoff
And when the time came to speak the British said
Fuck off
Fuck off


There'd be an outbreak of super gonorrhoea. They seriously said that.
Donald Tusk at the EU said it would be the end of Western civilisation as we know it.
I'm not joking.
And one more thing.
If you vote to leave, that makes you racist.
The British told them to fuck off.
Seventeen million fuck-offs.

The song is on sale now from Amazon, from Apple, and an accompanying music video is also available to watch through YouTube.

Frisby was selected in Spring last year to stand as a Parliamentary candidate on behalf of The Brexit Party, but had to withdraw in August due to family circumstances. He also performed his own musical comedy show, Libertarian Love Songs, at the Edinburgh Fringe.

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