British Comedy Guide

Olga Koch releases Just Friends stand-up special

Thursday 26th October 2023, 11:52am

Olga Koch

Olga Koch's stand-up special Just Friends is now available via 800 Pound Gorilla Media, and then comes to YouTube on 28th November.

Olga Koch: Just Friends was the comedian's fourth Edinburgh Fringe show. In sees her dive into "what it means to be a horny sex woman in 2022".

The blurb explains: "Having grown up expecting to feel shame for wanting the kind of things most of us ultimately desire - career, love and really great sex - she's ready to let loose, tell all, and become the Independent Women, Pt. 1 by Destiny's Child she always wanted to be."

"Samantha Jones, Nessa Jenkins, Stifler's Mom, Olga Koch. These are the women who exemplify Hoe Culture™️*. What's Hoe Culture™️ you ask? Well, giddy up buddy, because in Olga Koch: Just Friends, you're gonna find out.

"Throughout history, women have been punished for wanting to live in a (extreme air quotes) man's world. The late 90s and early 00s in particular were a shame fest of double-D proportions when it came to being judged for having the audacity to want things while also being a woman. Luckily, it was also the glory days of Hoe Culture™️. Hoe Culture™️ is buying *yourself* that diamond ring. Hoe Culture™️ is smoking a cigarette on the toilet as the French are wont to do. Hoe Culture™️ is knowing you might be judged for those things...and doing them anyway."

Koch herself says: "Just Friends is not a story about finding love, it's a story about eating ass and taking names. I will not be answering any more questions."

Olga Koch: Just Friends is available now from 800 Pound Gorilla Media via their "name your own price" sales model. Order now

Update: free YouTube version

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