British Comedy Guide

After Hours - Series 1

As this was flagged up on the front page of the BCG I thought I'd give it a whirl. The first episode was, well funny in parts - sometimes deliberately: "San Pelligrino - that's just posh Fanta for tossers!" Otherwise, the constant mentioning of milk every couple of minutes was somewhat bizarre. Was it sponsored by The Dairy Council?

The Central character was a dead ringer for Domnhall Gleeson.

Did you miss that his father's an unemployed milkman?

Quote: Aaron @ 3rd November 2015, 11:45 PM GMT

Did you miss that his father's an unemployed milkman?

No, not at all. It was just very, well, obsessed with the bovine lactation fluid, in a weird and quite frankly, unamusing way.

Does anyone know in what town After Hours is supposed to be set in?
Thank you.

Quote: v hossenfepper @ 11th December 2015, 11:26 PM GMT

Does anyone know in what town After Hours is supposed to be set in?
Thank you.

Filmed in Lymm, Cheshire according to IMDb. Apparently it's set in a fictional town in North Lincolnshire.

Tell me: did it improves as the series wore on?

The series was definitely set in North Lincolnshire as a character receives or writes a letter with an LN7 (Lincoln) postcode. Apparently it was filmed in Cheshire

I enjoyed the first series a lot. Okay it may not be a BAFTA winner, but I would be happy to see how the characters evolve, excellent cast I thought. Anyone have any news regarding a 2nd series?

Quote: gbcomsrule @ 18th July 2016, 8:07 PM BST

Anyone have any news regarding a 2nd series?

Highly unlikely, I would have thought.

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