Mr. D

This is currently the most popular Canadian comedy in Canada. It's in its third season and (I think) really funny:
Mr D. Is a sitcom about a hapless (bit of an idiot) private school teacher with a pretty big ego but a good heart.

Check out a few clips: ( marking) (first day of class) (staff retreat)

If you like the show it's really easy to either find the episodes on YouTube or if you have a VPN season 1 and 2 are on Canadian Netflix...or go to to watch them with commercials.
Here is the first episode:
- 1: Noticed almost every other one was on YouTube too.

Thanks for taking time to read this!

Hmm yeh I watched the first episode and thought it was pretty good.

Seems like it'll be a grower.

Quote: Scartledge @ 11th August 2014, 11:56 AM BST

Hmm yeh I watched the first episode and thought it was pretty good.

Seems like it'll be a grower.

*picks up phone*
-No Mr. Prime Minister the British didn't even seem to care for Mr. D
- know it's all we I don't think we can reunite Kids In The Hall again; it didn't go over well the least time we did that"
- Mr. Harper I really think this would be.a sign of aggression...yes sir *click*

In conjunction with BBC the CBC would like to present the Justin Bieber Comedy Hour!
