Burybob & 'friends'

Many characters have spewed from my fractured mind recently. I made a website to house them all, it also works as a space for other jokes, concepts, puns & general idiocy. I'd be interested in general feedback, and any spare medication you may need to offload, thanks! :D

WEBSITE: Burybob - Eclectic Schizophrenic

VIDEO: Hospital Radio DJ BnB - MP3styler

DISCLAIMER: No pixels were harmed during the creation of this website.

VIDEO: East European Vlad discusses llama

I was quite impressed with the performance in the llama thing, it was engaging and the accent seemed believable, but the writing seemed a bit derivative and lacking in real wit - which might go down well on BBC1 if you weren't talking about beastiality and cannibalism etc.

I think you should either stick to more mundane things with the writing, or just focus on becoming a performer, though as a showcase for your ability as a performer, your writing's fine. I'd say create some more 'out there' characters though, I liked the Llama herder, and a cannibal is a good idea, but a Bury one's a bit boring I think, you seem good at accents, so play to your strengths, if he was a scouser say I think it'd work a bit better.